Ross Hall Building Access

Persons possessing a valid George Washington University identification card (GWorld card) may enter Ross Hall 24 hours a day upon activating the GWorld authentication reader at the front desk or the entrance door on weekends/holidays.  Only members of the GW community who have received authorization from the School of Medicine and Health Sciences will be permitted access to Ross Hall unescorted. Students are not allowed to sign guests in without prior approval from the dean’s office. Individuals whose GWorld card fails authentication at the badge reader will not be permitted to sign in without a School of Medicine and Health Sciences staff or faculty member.

Ross Hall’s main lobby will be the only point of entry to and departure from the building for students, faculty, researcher, and staff. The loading dock is only for deliveries, GW Facilities, and OAR staff members, it is not an authorized entrance/exit for students, staff and faculty members, or guests.

GWorld Card

When you tap a GWorld card on a GWorld iClass reader, the response should be two green lights and a beep.

  • First light is the reader encryption algorithm recognizing the card as a GW card.  If someone tried using a non-GWorld card (like a metro card or US Gov ID card) the reader would not respond at all.
  • Second green light indicates you have authorized access.
  • Access will not be granted with an expired GWorld card
COVID-19 GWorld card compliance

Before coming to campus, always check to ensure you are cleared to be on campus.

  1. Visit:
  2. Login with GW Username and Password (username [at] (username[at]gwu[dot]edu))
  3. Enter Birthday
  4. Click > “Show Badge”
    Show Badge (clearance status: cleared) button; I would like to... ; Enter my COVID-19 Vaccination Information button; View my Lab Results (includes COVID-19 Tests) button


  5. Badge Page: If “Green”, you are cleared. If another color, action is required.
    Clearance Status Cleared 9/24/2021 2:02 PM, with an icon of a person
  6. If the badge is still not cleared after correctly uploading vaccination records, contact ccst [at] (ccst[at]gwu[dot]edu)

GW Hospital employees do not have access to Ross Hall. MFA employees who are not sponsored (as affiliates) by a University department also do not have Ross Hall access


On rare occasions, you forgot your GWorld card you may check in using Cbord

  1. Go to App Store:
  2. Download: CBord Mobile ID
  3. Open App
  4. Enter server:
  5. Click > Authenticate
  6. Enter GWNetID and password (same as GW blackboard login)
  7. Authorize
  8. Create a Personal PIN
  9. Allow Location
  10. Enter Location Code: 1120015 and select “Done or Check Sign”.

    DO NOT select “Choose”
  11. Swipe at the Bottom
  12. If the card activates “Green with Check Mark”, you are cleared. All other statuses will require further action.
SMHS Research Release and Facility Access Form

This form, along with laboratory safety training, must be completed before a visitor can access an SMHS laboratory. The form is required for all volunteers, interns, visiting scholars, and students working in any SMHS laboratory.

Failure to complete laboratory safety training courses will result in disabling card entry.

  • Completing Request form
    • All fields must be filled out. Missing information will delay processing access requests.
    • There must be a start and end date
    • Department Chair must sign the completed form
    • Attach copies of both Safety training certificates to the completed form. Training is provided by the Division of Safety & Security and the Office of Laboratory Safety
    • Send form and copies of certificates to smhsops [at] (smhsops[at]gwu[dot]edu)
    • Please note that the completed form must come from department administrators – who would have reviewed the request for completeness and accuracy. Forms will not be accepted directly from students or affiliates.
  • Request will be reviewed and processed accordingly. Undergrads are given semester-based access, and Graduate/Ph.D./Post-Doc are given a year of access or the annual of Safety training certificate. PS: The Safety training date supersedes other dates.
  • Once the request is approved/denied, an email will be sent to the department administrator.
Datawatch Card

Datawatch card is used in some of our lease spaces. Send an email to smhsops [at] (smhsops[at]gwu[dot]edu) to request a datawatch card/fob if you have an office in an SMHS leased property.

  • Visitors: All visitors will be required to present a government-approved identification with picture verification and be signed in by a School of Medicine and Health Sciences Staff or Faculty member.  Visitors without a government-approved picture identification WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING. All non-GW personnel must be escorted at all times while in Ross Hall by their host.
    • All visitors must be checked in by the security guard and assign a visitor’s badge for the day
    • Visitors should be escorted from and to the security desk by the staff they are visiting.
COVID-19 Reminders

Students and employees must stay home if they are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 include the following:

Fever (100.4 or higher) or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea