Classroom Services provides the use of equipment technologies to support Medical Center activities such as classes, meetings, and sponsored programs through the Equipment Loan Service.
Equipment Loan Policies and Procedures
The Loan Service is available to all Medical Center faculty, staff and authorized students. Equipment is available for loan Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm from the Classroom Services office in Ross Hall 430.
A valid GWorld ID card is required for all equipment loan transactions, and equipment may not be secured for personal use or loaned to any non-GWSMHS individuals, other campus affiliates and organizations, institutions, or agencies.
All equipment is reserved on a first come, first served basis. All requests for equipment must be received 48 hours (2 working days) in advance of the planned activity. Advanced reservations are strongly recommended to ensure equipment availability.
To request equipment, please fill out the Google form, and email rosshallclass [at] (rosshallclass[at]gwu[dot]edu) to confirm submission.
Clients must reserve equipment only for the actual scheduled hours of the class, meeting, or program. All equipment must be returned in timely manner in an effort to accommodate as many requests as possible. All equipment must be returned by 5:00 pm on the day it was loaned out.
Please Note: Equipment left outside of the office door is unacceptable.
- Equipment and Devices
Through the Equipment Loan Service, faculty, staff, and students can request the use of the following items:
- Easels
- Laser Pointers
- After Hours/Weekend Requests
The Equipment Loan Service is not available after 5:00 pm (Monday through Friday) or on weekends.
- Equipment Maintenance
All equipment must be turned off after use or when it is not in use for periods of 30 minutes or more. Clients are responsible for communicating this information to guest lecturers or participating students who will have access to the equipment.
In an effort to maintain quality assurance standards for the equipment distributed through the Equipment Loan Service, all unauthorized software, information, or documents left on equipment is subject to deletion upon return to Classroom Services.
- Damaged, Missing or Stolen Equipment
If equipment is damaged during the loan period, the responsible person and/or department will be responsible for all costs/fees associated with repairs or replacement.
If you suspect that a piece of equipment may have been stolen or if the equipment assigned to you is missing, please call Campus Police at (202) 994-6110 and the Classroom Services office at (202) 994-2856 immediately.
- Rates and Fees
Currently there is no charge for use of equipment loaned through the Equipment Loan Service.