Academic Scheduling - Room Use Protocol and Policy
Classroom Services is responsible for scheduling GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences courses in all classroom/conference room space – Ross Hall, 2600 Virginia Avenue and certain rooms in the Himmelfarb Library.
Faculty/student/staff acknowledges that academic classroom scheduling takes priority over special events (seminars, meetings, receptions).
General pool classrooms are scheduled using Event Management Software (EMS), a software to establish the “best fit” for size and availability.
Course Coordinators/Academic Deans – Obligations
- Course Coordinators/Resident Coordinators/ Department Managers must submit first draft master academic class schedule to Classroom Services in a timely manner, at least two months prior to the start of each semester.
- Beginning one month prior to the start of the semester, Course Coordinator must have completed all needed changes to already confirmed course schedules.
- Course Coordinators shall assume responsibility for ensuring that requested classroom is adequate for class size/registrants. If the number of rooms requested decreases/increases after the classroom schedule is finalized, Course Coordinator will be responsible for working with Classroom Services to adjust room assignments, if such adjustments are feasible.
- Course Coordinators shall work with Classroom Services when temporary classroom schedule changes are necessary e.g., facilities related repair.
Classroom Services
- Classroom Services will coordinate quality assurance efforts for all classrooms, ensuring that rooms are adequately furnished and all related equipment is operational.
- Classroom Services must be informed of any equipment malfunction in the classrooms immediately, so that such problems can be addressed in a timely manner.
- Classroom Services will reserve rooms on a first-come-first served basis during University academic breaks – such as Spring Break, Winter Break and Summer Break.
- Classroom Services will respond within two business days (Monday-Friday) to room requests within the current semester.
Reservation Process
- For Academic Events, room reservations should be made at least five business days prior. All reservation should be made using EMS and not by email or phone call.
- 2-weeks advance notice is required for all non-Academic Event requests.
- Blackout dates are in place for requesting rooms for events during final exams and/or board exams.
- All approved events MUST have a School of Medicine and Health Sciences staff host in attendance at all times to oversee guest’s security check-in, coordinate escort and handle facilities related inquiries as it pertain to SMHS event policy and procedure.
- Any activity, event, or program designed to attract a largely non-SMHS audience, is subject to additional approval from the Office of Resource Management and Operations.
- SMHS student’s group inviting external speakers need approval from appropriate Assoc. Dean of Student Affairs prior to reserving room.
- In the event of a cancellation it is important to notify Classroom Services in writing, at least two business days prior to a confirmed reservation, so classrooms can then be allocated to other clients.
- Special arrangement must be made with Office of Communication and Marketing if your event involves external photographer or outside media coverage.
Room Use Policies
- The number of attendees cannot exceed the capacity of the room reserved.
- Unless additional furniture is requested in the email to rosshallevents [at] (rosshallevents[at]gwu[dot]edu), all rooms and venues located in Ross Hall/Himmelfarb are to be used as is.
- No furniture can be removed or added to any rooms without the Events Coordinator’s official permission. Written approval from your event coordinator is required in advance of the event for any changes to the room.
- Up to two additional tables and/or chairs may be requested without cost to the requestor in the email to rosshallevents [at] (rosshallevents[at]gwu[dot]edu).
- If more than 2 tables or chairs are requested, or if there is a desire to have a room or venue cleared out of its furniture, a FixIt ticket for professional moving services is required, and there are associated charges of approximately $500+. Please budget for both setup and breakdown time.
- Any event including food must inform your event coordinator in the email to rosshallevents [at] (rosshallevents[at]gwu[dot]edu) so housekeeping services can be provided after the event.
- All persons who consume alcoholic beverages during an event are responsible for complying with GW regulations and DC statutes regarding consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Appropriate supervision is required at all events which alcohol is to be served.
- You may change the room setup to accommodate your group. It is the responsibility of the requestor to return the classroom to the original layout and ensure that the room is in good condition. Remember to turn off the projectors when you leave the room
- At the conclusion of all events in the classrooms all trash must be cleaned-up and disposed of. If additional trash is expected, additional trash receptacles should be reserved as part of the room request.
- The use of any open flame device is prohibited in all SMHS classrooms.
- External vendors without approval from Classroom Services must not handle SMHS audio-visual (AV) equipment. SMHS technicians must be present during any modification to production AV equipment.
- Due to the impact on activities in adjacent spaces, Classroom Services cannot accommodate noisy activities in our classrooms.
- Classroom Services does not assume any liability for items lost, stolen or misplaced in any of SMHS classrooms.
- No pets are allowed in classrooms, except a service animal assisting an individual with a disability.
Blackout Dates: